Getting the right quality is crucial to keep viewers engaged.
It’s often said that any video is better than no video.
But with video now endemic across the internet this idea is not just obsolete but dangerous, as quality of video becomes a key differentiator.
Viewers are no longer naive, their expectations have evolved to become much more nuanced.
Viewers expect quality that matches their platform and the nature of the interaction they are having with a brand.
If you don’t get the quality right, you introduce dissonance into the viewing experience, as expectation fails to match that.
We use dissonance to engage with viewers, challenge expectations, introduce new ideas or simply to shock or surprise.
But unplanned dissonance harms a brands reputation and values outside of the context of the video, as well as leading to higher bounce rates and lower engagement.
Whilst standards of quality vary according to platform and the nature of the content, there are technical details which need to be right to ensure the viewer has a positive experience, and can actually see and understand your message
Picture quality needs to be optimal for the platform. The audio must be right to ensure your message is understandable. And of course the actual edit.
It’s amazing how many videos are just boring, too long or too slow. For social media or self recorded material, boring is even more of barrier.
Get the pictures and the audio right, and make sure its not boring, and you will have a seamless video which won’t put barriers in the way of your messages.
Don’t and you will have a video that cause’s unplanned dissonance in your viewers and which will encourage them to bounce from, as that is the quickest way for them to resolve those issues.
Whilst paradoxically your video may have all of the correct messages, if the physical quality leads to low levels of engagement and high bounce rates, search engines will mark down the quality of your content. And poor quality content harms your SEO results.
All of this may sound obvious, but there is an enormous amount of video being produced which does not deliver on these basic measures.
So when your selecting a producer, look at and compare their actual output.
Does this quality match your brand expectations and values?
The right content is no longer any content, its content that delivers the right messages with the right quality.
If your video looks like an amateur production, that is the takeaway folks will have in regards to your brand.
Quality is key for us as video producers, with fully colour managed edit suites, the latest in audio and video capture, and a heritage of caring about the images we produce.
Our agile and lean production methods start and finish with quality of output at its core.
Get in touch to see how we can help you with your next video production.