The UK’s top pharmacy training provider is making training videos central to their teaching.
In 2016 we produced nearly two dozen green screen training videos for the leading UK provider of pharmacy training.
This allowed them to “Flip the Classroom”, and reach many more students than previously possible using traditional methods.
Part of this was the production of a series of videos involving role playing between a pharmacy inspector and different pharmacy staff to demonstrate best practice and illustrate important issues for students.
These training videos used chroma key/green screen, to combine live acting with graphics and illustrations.
The customer’s initial thinking was to source a pharmacy location to shoot the videos live.
After a suggestion from ourselves and a test sample, it was decided to use a bespoke virtual pharmacy, and place the actors in it using green screen techniques in our Nottingham studio.
Green screen is used in Hollywood productions to put actors into CGI sets.
You can use green screen at almost any level, adding a huge amount of flexibility to productions.
In addition to a great look, the in-house production of the graphics gave the customer an additional asset. A ‘virtual pharmacy’ to use in future productions, with no licensing or location fees.
Our Agile techniques, meant initial scripts were written by the customer and then edited by ourselves for brevity and delivery.
We then appended the shooting plan together with camera work and exact set requirements to this for a final call sheet.
Shooting took place over three days, and post production two weeks, including keying, graphic, editing, audio, output and tweaks from feedback.
All of the cast of the videos were the customers staff.
The end result was four “An Inspector Calls” training videos with an average run time of around 5.5 minutes.
From initial concept to final delivery took under a month.
These are now being rolled out to students via a private online facility, with excellent initial feedback.
If you would like to learn how we could use a green screen training videos as part of your corporate video production strategy, Contact Us!