Royal Weddings are meant to be photographed!
Well, not being chosen to do the big day was a crushing blow, but I was asked by the Sunday Times to go along to the Grove Junior school in Stoke to photograph their version of the Royal Wedding.
The school was one of hundreds across the country who staged their own version of the big day to celebrate the nuptials, with the kids playing the various roles of Kate and Will and the vicar and Pippa….
I was quite chuffed with the pictures, having shown up early I was able to do a set of available light pictures of the preperations, and then go on to do the more “Formal” pictures.
The originals were all of course in colour, but here I present a selection in black and white, (There are about 15 in the spread..) which work well. It was one of those rare occasions when the available light was spot on, and there was no need for any lighting. (Though I did use a strobe and softbox for some of the formal pics…) The 5d’s low light capabilites really shone through.
Once again however we see the bizarre behaviour of the national newspapers come to the fore…. instead of running something they have commissioned, they ran a picture bylined the “Liverpool Post”.
Quite why is anyones guess. But I dont think that the subs have any idea how demoralising this is. With the terrible rates being paid, we dont work for the papers to make money, we do it for the enjoyment of seeing our pictures used. With the set well received by the picture desk, it leaves you wondering.
Anyways, I like them! For you techies out there, once again it was all shot on the 5dmk2, with the 17-40 L. (I really need to get my 24-70 serviced….. )
If you want to commission your own royal wedding photography, contact us!