Is the 85mm F1.8 Canon Gods ultimate gift to photography?


Is 85mm the ideal short telephoto?

I have recently been rediscovering Canon’s 85mm, as well as the 28mm F1.8, (More on that later…)

Sharp, (Unbelievably so…) fast, and it aint gonna cost you the GDP of the Gambia to purchase, what more could a guy ask for?

In an age when everyone is buying the latest in disco popping, GPS positioned, and WIFI enabled digital wonder cameras, and then sticking some cheap kit 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 lens on, thereby turning the new wonder machine into a unfeasibly expensive and large point and shoot… its good to remember that its not the camera stupid, its the lens.

So, I thought you might like some piccies.




Its a liberating experience to not be carrying the 80-200. And it makes for better pictures.

I love it.

First published in 2013,  we no longer use this lens,  but we do still love 85mm!

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