Everyone loves some dog photography!


Forget cats, the real photography stars are dogs!

I thought that Erik Kessels collection of dog photography with their black dog was terrific fun, you can see the results in his “In almost every picture 9” collection reproduced in LensCulture.

Being a big dog fan, it gives me an excuse to share some of the dog photography that we have snapped in our travels over the past few years.

Including Nottinghamshire polices recent Alsatian Litter used in the Daily Record, and of course our own office dog Fred.

See if you can spot Glamour Model Jakki Degg’s dog.

Most of these were just casual snaps of someone I liked…

Classic mans best friend dog photography for the Daily Telegraph.
Lots of dog photography in one picture!
street dog photography!
Jackie Deggs dog photographed.
Fred reads the paper on holiday in Cornwall.

For a great dog photograph you need a willing dog, a fast camera to be able to capture the key moment, and to not be a cat fan.

This dog photography blog was first published in 2011.

To learn about the work we are doing now,  visit our corporate photography page!

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