An interesting photography project for E.on.


We were tasked by E.on to provide corporate photography for their annual CHP yearbook.

The photography involved visiting all the E.on CHP sites across the UK.  Then producing images to illustrate that sites pages in the yearbook.

For those who don’t know, a CHP facility is like a little mini power station.  It provides both Heat and Power to customers, such as a hospital.

In the case of one of the sites they actually provide cooling as well.

It’s an interesting side of the energy industry which doesn’t get much exposure and most people are probably not aware of!

The agenda per site was a 4 hour visit. First to shoot portraits of the staff, then images site images. (GV’s or “General Views” in the parlance.)

To do so we brought our range of portable lights to bring light into darkness.  As well as doing quite a bit of available light photography.

All of the photos  needed to be done quickly with minimal disruption.  Bearing in mind the sites often have a small staff and there are Health and Safety issues.

In total several hundred images were produced.  This has given E.on a good library of images for use now and in the future.

This is one of the good spin-offs from a project like this.  You produce a range of images which you can use for all sorts of internal and external communications into the future.

Converting a photography shoot, into an asset with real value.

Most of the photography was produced on our new Canon 5dmk3’s, and the low noise from these cameras really shone through.

It was reassuring to know that we could easily match the available light to our portable lighting without having to worry about noise.

This is probably for me the real advantage of the advances towards cleaner high ISO images, the ability to balance the available with the fill light in very low light. This opens up opportunities and speeds up the work on location, as you don’t have to bring as much portable lighting to bear.

Of course a job with a schedule like this is always a challenge.

You only have so much time to produce a large body of images from each location, and you are dependent on weather.  Plus people who have more important things to do, and it’s a location you have never seen before.

Getting the balance of needs right of needs to get the results we need, is a key task of the job.

On this job we were lucky!

Despite overall poor weather through the winter, we only had a few rainy days. Even better still, the staff at all of the E.on sites could not have been more helpful!

Here is a small selection of the E.on photography, which was produced by both Dave and Doug.

Thanks to E.on for commissioning us, and the guys at the sites for taking the time to help out!

Check out our Corporate and commercial photography offer!

Then Get in Touch to commission your own photographic project!

Please note that all of the above images are fully copyright.