Business Factory Tour

Engineering Company Facility Video.

Just awesome, I can’t tell you how many times it’s been watched by Blackburn Starling and our families already!

Blackburn Starling

From initial enquiry to delivery of the final video in two weeks, this factory video tour was produced under tight deadlines.

Whilst the initial need was to support a project bid using video, during our discussion with the company we realised that this could be produced such as to be of much wider utility, and could make an excellent corporate showcase across external digital marketing channels as well.

Working from an outline provided by the client of the key points they wished to include, we then produced a logical shot list and shot it in order, using a three person crew.

With drone video providing a strong opening, and great participation by Blackburn Starling staff, the shoot was accomplished in a single day, with post production then being handled across several of our Nottingham edit suites in three days.

Unencumbered by a spoken narrative, the story is told entirely visually using motion tracked text and images, embracing the “No Audio” paradigm of nearly 80% of viewers,  without the need for subtitles.

This is an excellent example of how an agile video project can be turned around quickly and to very high quality.

With a selection of stills also output,  the content produced has been extensively used by the business.

If you need a video facility tour, or want to explore how a corporate video can be best used to support different digital marketing channels, contact us!