Engineering Development Video

MIRA engineering video.

One of four corporate promotion videos produced for MIRA to highlight the engineering that has gone into their EDC Jaguar, a unique hybrid vehicle.

Shot over three days at MIRA’s world class facility, we produced two promo videos for use at events where audio would not be available, (one in English and one in Mandarin) plus a 30 second social media video for use as a sting and a full corporate video including interviews.

This version is the shorter social media sting.

The Mandarin version was translated from the original English by HORIBA MIRA’s Chinese engineers, and we then produced the new version from fonts specially obtained for the video, in conjunction with HORIBA MIRA.

Shot with up to six different cameras at one time, a specialist chase vehicle, and a crew of four, the project was delivered in six weeks from initial commission to final delivery.